Typical ERP Mistakes To Avoid Part 2

Typical ERP Mistakes To Avoid: Part 2

Proper utilization of an ERP implementation plan can pay dividends. However, failing to follow that plan can lead to heavy monetary consequences. Last week, we looked at three common mistakes companies make when trying to use their personalized enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. Today, we’ll discuss a few more blunders in order to help people avoid them in the future. As a top-notch ERP implementation company, SolutionsX can help! We strive for customer service excellence through our unique solutions, ideas, and approaches to any logistical problem your company may be facing.

Improper Cost Estimates

Like we’ve said before, ERP system implementation can be a long, intense process. A common reason that this type of process fails is the inadequate estimation of costs in terms of both financial costs and total man hours needed. If you come into this process with a low cost estimate, complications will definitely develop in the future. Being ready for the full cost of the project and appointing employees to help manage and streamline this process are both excellent ways to help smooth the edges often associated with implementation.

Not Being Organized

Often times, companies eagerly take on their ERP program, working on multiple tasks. However, splitting your time and effort amongst multiple projects can lead to a slower, less efficient process. Organizing your employees with a to-do list can be hugely beneficial for all aspects of implementation. Having a checklist in place will prioritize the tasks at hand and keep workers on track. As with financial planning, task planning is also required for a smooth company transition.

Old Applications

Another common issue businesses face is not replacing the original applications within the company. When an ERP is completed, the original applications that are still around are now cluttering the new program. While integration of programs can be very valuable to a business, the act of keeping too many programs on board can be very inefficient. Having to pay for maintenance, support, and upgrades can be quite costly to keep an old application within a new ERP program. We would recommend against this, seeing as the point of ERP implementation is to help reduce costs and make tasks more efficient.

Improper Program Upkeep

Companies that do not keep up to speed with their ERP system will suffer the long-term consequences. Performing proper application maintenance will help to keep your new ERP applications up to speed and up to efficiency. Otherwise, your processes become obsolete and your business takes the consequences. In the technology world, being current on updates is vital for maximizing process efficiency. Making sure your team performs the right maintenance will help to keep this innovation moving.

The process of proper ERP implementation is very involved and detail-oriented. Keeping your team involved and up to speed will help to smooth out the process. Avoiding logistical errors is also crucial for ERP success. Beyond what we covered, companies can face a profusion of unique challenges and tasks with their own ERP. When that happens, SolutionsX is here to help! We offer continual expert consultation and software development to keep our customers satisfied and successful. Contact us today to see how we can streamline your success!